​​The Neighbor to Neighbor


​​Hello & Welcome,

We try to come to work each and every day with a smile knowing we have been Blessed to be able to do what we love in life and make a living at it. We have a passion to bring out the best and have had such wonderful experiences getting to know the good residents of Clay County.

David & Deborah Brown

Owners and Publishers

The Neighbor to Neighbor newspaper

Since January 2000

Current Issue-



A Note from  our Founders!









- The Neighbor Newspaper extends a warm welcome to our ARCHIVES -

For those seeking a delightful journey through time, we invite you to explore our collection of past issues. Simply click on the paper of your choice, and it will transport you to a bygone era. While we regret that not all papers are archived, rest assured that most editions dating back to 2011 are available for your perusal.
Happy Reading! 

​​Voters Guides
